
Reality Consists of Two Dimensions - The Finite and The Infinite

Today’s been tough. Emotions all over the show. I found myself envying the Queen her letting go of all of life’s struggles recently…

Yes, a tougher day today than of late.

But one thought runs like a lifeline through it.

“Come to the infinite dimension.”

From a dismal beginnings it’s become like spending a day with The Ancient One! (Ninja mystic monk-sorceress in Marvel’s Dr Strange.) Beaten up regularly but always restored. Life being ruthless, yet kind…

"In Filling the Well, Think Magic."*

What to Do on Your ‘Dry Well’ Days

How barren life is at times! How parched the soil! How devoid of hope…

Sometimes the well of hope isn’t just dry. It’s full of bloody serpents.

I know.

You pull up a bucket, lean forward for water and instead you get a full-fanged bite in the face.

The last thing we think of then is magic.