self confidence

You Cannot Prevent Birds of Sorrow From Flying Over Your Head...

You Cannot Prevent Birds of Sorrow From Flying Overhead — But You Can Stop Them Making Nests in Your Hair

What a wonderful Chinese proverb!

Nesting sorrow birds. Hmm. Yes, I’d say the last few days have been rather too permissive of nest-building for my sad flock. But how to send them kindly on their way? Therein lies the rub…

The rub comes from wanting to send them on their way. And who doesn’t want to send sadness packing? It’s instinctual. We want to shoo misery away.

Unfortunately, in a vibrational universe, that desire backfires on us, BIG time. Attention, laser-like, paints a target by its frequency. The painted target attracts more of the same…

Duck, Duck, Dare… Finding confidence to play in the snow

It was pure comedy: a Tik Tok clip of a flock of 30 ducks or more, pouring out of their shed like noisy molasses, onto the surrounding sloped land, only to discover unexpected snow. To a bird, they responded as one.

First, scanning the weirdly white world, heads swivelled in alarm as the flock stood still. They shared a brief ‘What the f**k?!’ moment as they registered the shocking state of affairs.

Then, at a three-quarter flap, their fluid formation turned on its communal webbed heel, flowing right back up the little hill and into the safety and warmth of the shelter.

The whole thing was over in less than a minute. The birds moved like liquid, all as one, of one mind, with one response to this frozen world of crunchy white.

I’m still grinning. It feels like it should be a child’s game, Duck, Duck Dare…
But where am I going with this?

Well, nearly right back into the shed, in truth.